domingo, 18 de octubre de 2020

The World´s Best Place by me

If I’m being realistic, I want to visit different countries, because I wish to see different cultures and be able to see various types of landscapes from those I can see in my own country. But if I had to choose between all, I'd choose Spain. The reason why I'd choose this country is because it has many cultures (thinking that this country has a massive quantity of immigrants that arrive at their frontier from different parts of the world, although the most of them are usually of Arabic origin). Another reason why I want to go to Spain is that it is a country in which I can speak Spanish, since it is its native language. That is very good for me, because it is very difficult for me to learn other languages.

In addition, Spain is the country in which I would be interested to study my other passion, that is art history, since this country has a big history about this culture ambit and I believe that this is a factor that may give me better tools to develop as a professional in this area in the future (thinking that, in this country many artists were born, such as Picasso, Dalí, Velázquez, Miró, Gris, between others). Moreover, this is a country that has a frontier with France and I will be able to go visit it more easily, because there exists a train that connects these two countries (thinking that France is other of the places in which art is one of the most striking areas of the culture), without letting outside the fact that this same train may take me around all the European Continent or get me close to others countries that I want to visit in the future too, either to study or out of curiosity.

PD:I say that I would like to go to Spain because I want to know various cities of this beautiful country, although maybe the one that most catches my attention and is my priority is Barcelona.

3 comentarios:

  1. Spain sounds like an interesting place and yes, more than once I have thought about taking that train

  2. Spain sounds good, Goya was born there too. Your train plan is
    b r i l l i a n t

  3. Wow! Spain is a beautiful country to visit! I hope u can make it someday
